so once again i woke faced with the challenge. my favorite time of the week is here. the mornings i get to serve in the two-year-old room at church. i honestly wish i could put into words the joy i feel when i get to see their beautiful faces sunday mornings. through the tantrums and screams God still continues to give me love for them and show me his love in return.
during service i learned my pastor was diagnosed with leukemia. listening to his family speak of his illness and his vision through his sickness made me realize how much his message has touched my life. pastor dave has always spoke of leading an authentic life. its not about the works or the sins, its about building relationships to bring people to know freedom through Christ.
thats where i was at today. i knew this journey would be tough but i have a vision to get me through the pain of transformation. i want to lead the most authentic non-bullshit life i can.
so, my person for the day. i honestly can say i would have never met them if it werent for the help of my best friend Karissa. we were on a mission. at times it felt like this was never gonna happen but prayer and perseverance got us through. we met up at 9pm hoping to meet someone at RA. then its 10pm and it seems the only people out are couples. its 10:30pm and we go to yardhouse. again with the couples. so we decide to go for coffee. unfortunately nothings open. except....7/11. we go to 7/11 to get coffee but the machine seems to be getting worked on and we decide to try am pm. theres a lady working and finally i say screw it and strike up conversation with her. and sure was hard and awkward. we talked to maria about where she lived and her son and what he wanted to do after high school. pretty much awkward small talk, but at this point ill take it.
but you know what, sometimes you just gotta sit in that awkwardness to get somewhere. i know this will get easier and im learning people will start to open up if you truly care.
right now the thing getting me through this all is faith. faith that im being prepared for something much greater. faith that this journey will have a much bigger outcome than i could have ever imagined. and faith that God will ignite a fire in me that will give me the courage to step out each day knowing his will is being done.
"may God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships so that we may live from deep within our hearts."
Hey! That post we looked at from Courtney worked perfectly for the night. Crazy.