Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Most Hated Facebook Posts.

ok i recently read an article online about the most annoying facebook status updates and i was inspired to address the ones i found most annoying.

The Weather.
"omg its raining!!!!!! i love it!!!!"
ok i know its fucking raining you dont need to update me via facebook status. and frankly i can give a crap if you love the rain or not. but thank you so much for your insight about the weather Dallas Raines without your facebook update i would have never been able to look outside and see that my entire backyard is flooded.

Your Awesome Boyfriend.
"i have the BEST boyfriend in the BEST city in the BEST world EVER!!!"
ok thats nice. what am i supposed to do with this information? post that shit on his wall, we dont need to know. and if he were the best boyfriend ever he'd make you delete that post faster than he can say "im breaking up with you".

Your Crappy Love Life.
"blah blah blah...taylor swift lyrics...blah blah blah."
oh you poor thing. im sorry that you find comfort and relate to a teenage girl who got dumped by John Mayer & Jake Gyllenhaal (the two hottest & funniest guys on this planet). but you need to stop sharing your depressing sentiments because theyre not helping any other guy on facebook want to date you. you might as well call Taylor Swift our generation's Jennifer Aniston cause there aint no way shes gonna find a husband with all that whining she calls a hit record. so suck it up and move on. cause most likely that guy youre writing about has moved on as well.

Your "Busy" Life.
"ahhhhh!! so much to do today! im so busy! busy busy busy."
c'mon. seriously? we all have lives. just because you are busy it does not make you important. and since you have all sorts of shit to do why the hell are you on facebook? no one cares that youre busy or about the millions of chores and errands you claim to have. learn to manage your time and stop wasting ours.

General, Vague, and Pointless Thoughts.
"i dont know what to do about this, uhhhh"
wtf? well i sure as hell dont know what to do either if you keep posting pointless crap. facebook is NOT an outlet for your unclear thoughts and emotions. so either step up and ask for advise or buy a journal, it'll cost less than your dignity.

In Conclusion:
Facebook posts should be something of value. Believe me, I've written my share of annoying facebook posts and statuses. But take this into account next time you lay your fingers on the keyboard: "Can i think of 3-5 people that will like this status?" Cause if not, everyone is probably wishing they had the "dislike" button option and/or has already hidden you from their news feed.

happy posting!

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