Monday, February 14, 2011

soo it's valentine's day.

ok. its valentines day. now im pro-love and all but im anti-valentines day. if anything i think valentines day is only fun for singles. we get to drink and go out while suckers are out there dropping bills on broads that probably dont deserve it and whined their way into a fancy dinner. and for us single ladies, it is like the unofficial "Lets get creeped on by guys who are afraid of commitment and/or are over the age of 45 and work construction" day. i mean what chick is NOT down for that. sign me up. and unless youre either completely single or fully committed its always awkward if you just start talking to someone before valentines day. its like "oh crap, am i gonna have to spend money i dont have on this chick i hooked up with and started talking to 2 weeks ago?" or "oh, i wonder if he'll ask me to do anything for valentine's day? i mean we have kissed and he texts me like 3.5 times a week....mhhmm." (the .5 being the 2 in the morning drunk booty call, cause those are never worth a lot.) so. heres my valentines day break down by gender and relationship status.

single guys: best day ever. i get to have an extra excuse to go out and drink with my friends, and save my hard earned tip money, while all the single ladies are out drowning their sorrows with vodka redbulls.

single ladies: its all good. i have an excuse to go out and drink with my only two single girlfriends and get hit on by the same creeps that were gonna hit on me this weekend anyway.

non-single guys: fml. i have to spend all my hard earned money on my chick just so she can be seen by people she doesnt even know and will never see again only to try to prove to society she is worth something because she found my dumbass to take her out on valentines day. aaaannnd i probably wont even get laid.

non-single girls: oh. em. gee. really? these flowers? i specifically asked for fuchsia NOT magenta. and babys breath? really Trevor? did you pick these up from stater bros. while you were already running 15 minutes late to pick me up? now everyone at The Cheesecake Factory will have 15 minutes less to see us. dont even think you are getting any tonight. ugh hold my purse. lets go.

now maybe my view on valentines day is a little cynical and if youre in an awesome relationship and valentines day doesnt have to be some big production and you can chill with a six pack and watch Transporter 2 (my v-day date of choice btw) then more power to you. just keep things real and love will find you and all that good stuff they brainwash us with in movies like 57 dresses or whatever.

feel the love. happy valentines day all!

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