Saturday, December 3, 2011

project 365: day oo8.

day oo8: karena & others.

while i was thinking about writing this post i started to realize how i enjoy friday and saturday nights. it seems that i meet the most people then. mainly because i always go out with friends. although most of the time i meet people i dont ever want to talk to again. so im trying to meet people more worth while on the weekends when im out at a bar or somewhere. like my friend nick's girlfriend, karena (soccer shotout ya). well i got to meet and talk to karena for a little while as we all celebrated nick's birthday.

its funny how conversational people and myself can be when our inhibitions are lowered...and i love it! although i wasn't drinking last night haha. i dont know if being buzzed is the key to my success in this project (maybe one day i'll find a project where it will be! just kidding) but i think a lesson learned can be that meeting and talking to new people doesnt have to be so scary and stuffy. and maybe thats what its all about...lowering your inhibitions. not by means of alcohol necessarily but just by not taking yourself so seriously and not being afraid to look a little retarded and vulnerable.

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