Friday, November 25, 2011

project 365: day oo1.

oo1: mary lou.

So today i woke up thinking "oh we go." all i had planned today was christmas decorating with my family. and i thought again "where am i going to meet a new person?"

well i got up threw on some sweats and went out the house makeup-free thinking i would find someone later tonight. well when i get in my car i realize the gas light's on (not that thats unusual but its been like that for three days). so i go to the gas station and as im pumping gas i see an older lady with another woman walking around looking for bottles in the trash cans. i remember i had a few bottles in my car and i think "ok maybe this is my chance" so i grab the bottles and walk up to the lady and hand them to her. she says thank you and i say have a nice day.

that was a conversation right?

thats what i tried to tell God, thinking i could convince him that i had met my person for the day. well knowing that wasn't good enough, i look in my trunk and find another bottle and an extra bag. so i walk up to the lady again and i hand her the bag and bottle. and ill tell you...that lady was so thankful for the extra bag and bottle she started telling me how she lived by herself and had three children and that the girl with her was her disabled daughter who she has to drive to a care facility cause shes 74 and cant take care of her on her own and how her other children didnt even wish her a happy thanksgiving and how shes collecting bottles to pay to fix her car.

i stood there just listening to her story and let her tell me anything and everything she wanted to. and im realizing how much the hand of God was working in that moment. i asked for her name and she said Mary Lou. as i stuck out my hand to introduce myself she grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug and kiss on the cheek. this lady who i talked to for maybe 3 minutes filled me with so much gratefulness and love. she was so thankful for me giving her 3 bottles and a plastic bag and here i am thinking just how thankful i was to have met her.

this morning i woke up thinking "shit, i posted that stupid blog last night telling people about this project...maybe no one read it." but God never ceases to show me he's present in my life and can provide strength beyond measure.

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