Tuesday, November 29, 2011

project 365: day oo5.

day oo5: corrine

every day i go to school i walk about 15 minutes to get to my car. a lot of other students do too in order to avoid parking fees. its a straight shot to school. along the way dozens of other students pass me by or dawdle behind. well today there was a girl a few steps behind me and i felt as if she and i were walking at a good in-sync pace (you know, not so fast that you look like youre trying to get to the bathroom but not slow enough where you look like youre fighting an invisible person just to take the next step. i guess fast enough to get where youre trying to go.) anyway, i turned around and asked her if she would like to walk to school together.

luckily she said yes and we exchanged names. i walked with corrine and talked to her for about 10 minutes. we talked about school mostly and plans for the future (although neither one of us knows what we wanna do when we "grow up") which i guess is what i learned from my project today.

i can honestly say right now i dont have a clue what i wanna be in the future. the only thing i know for sure is who i wanna be.

someone who can be honest even when the truth is hard to get out.
someone you can call at anytime knowing they'd do whatever it took to help you.
someone who can talk to anyone no matter what the circumstance. (im still learning)
and most importantly someone who just kicks ass at life trying to change the world, put a smile on someone's face and live each day in the glory of God's love.

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