Sunday, November 27, 2011

project 365: day oo2.

oo2: connor.

so today i woke up at 9 am wondering how i was going to meet someone new. then i went back to sleep. i woke up at 12 pm had the same thought...then went back to sleep. i woke up at 3 pm had the same thought, yep....and took a shower. i sat in the house all day thinking about (and partially avoiding) my commitment. saturdays are gonna be tough. but as saturday nights usually go i went out with some friends. i think i met like five new people today. but one in particular that i got to have a conversation with (since thats what the plan is). i met a guy named connor who grew up in my same city and even went to the same high school.

it got me thinking about how people can grow up in the same house their whole life and not know their neighbor down the street...or even right next door. with this i kind of realized how there is now no way i could not possibly meet a new person everyday. im not sure how to approach my neighbors without sounding like a door-to-door salesperson (or crazy person) but im sure it'll come to that one day. and what an awkward day it will be!

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