Monday, November 28, 2011

project 365: day oo4.

day oo4: elaine

have you ever known someone for years but one day get the feeling that youre meeting them for the first time? well thats what happened to me today...

...with my dental hygienist.

so there i am sitting in the chair waiting to have my teeth worked on. and i decide this is it, this will be my person for the day. as elaine prepared the tools i sat there and asked her about her thanksgiving and other things. it became rather difficult when the numbing paste started to kick in and drool started falling down the side of my mouth, but i was committed to the conversation. well when i asked her her name and introduced myself i felt kinda retarded when she said "ya, youve been coming here since you were a little girl."

and again, that's the reason for all of this. because sometimes you never take enough time to know the people who've known you for years. the people you've seen countless times. the people who've seen the inside of your mouth.

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